Merry Christmas, & Happy New Year!

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Juneteenth!

Happy 4th!

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Veterans & Thanksgiving Day!

Apologies in advance. The site is undergoing a major rebuild and getting a fresh NEW look. You can read more about it here. Hope you like it and thank you for your patience!

MY ART: I took up drawing in July of 2016 and I find I’m more attracted to sketching on real paper, but I’ve also done quite a bit of artwork on a digital tablet. I love to draw, sketch, and color but really didn’t have the skills to draw well enough so I decided to start focusing on ...

MY FAMILY: Family and God are what I hold most dear to my heart. I love my family more than anything else on this earth. My kiddos have been a HUGE blessing and brought me much joy. I’ll share pretty much anything here that is family-oriented from holidays to field trips to ...

HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE: Huntington’s Disease is a degenerative neurological disease that some say is worse than ALS, MS, and Alzheimer's combined. It destroys the afflicted in ways you can’t possibly fathom. There is no cure and each child of an HD-positive parent has ...

INSPIRATION & MOTIVATION: From inspirational or motivational quotes to my daily devotions I’ll be sharing whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. I am a Christian with a foundational belief Jesus Christ was born, died, and resurrected for me and for you so that we .....

KEEPING IT REAL: All about being genuine and “Keeping it Real”. This is probably where you’ll find the most controversial stuff that’s on my mind. You don’t have to agree with me and you are welcome to leave your comments, but be kind and mature or ...

MY POEMS: Some poetry and songs I’ve written over the years. If you’re into poetry feel free to read through them. I enjoy writing, but am self-conscious about sharing my work with you so I hope you enjoy! I would love to hear your feedback so please leave ...

MY RECIPES: Some of my favorite recipes, and if I’m brave enough to share possibly some of my failed recipes too. 🙂 I have certain dietary needs and will often make adjustments to recipes to account for them so this may not be appealing to some, but for those who have ...

GUEST AUTHORS & TOPIC SUGGESTIONS: I'd love to have you share your content under this section. Please let me know if you're interested. This is a new section and I hope to have some content filling it up soon. Also, open to topic suggestions for future blog posts ... contact me today.

❝You can choose to love or hate, show compassion or be heartless, be understanding or indifferent, be forthright and honest or dishonest and lie, be helpful or useless, be kind or mean, be proactive or reactive, speak wisely or foolishly or perhaps not at all, and be mindful or oblivious.

You get to choose every minute of every day how you treat others, how you treat yourself, respond to circumstances, and generally behave. At the end of the day how you chose will determine how you left others feeling, how you ended the day feeling yourself, and the person you are becoming. It's never to late to choose differently and start becoming your best self.❞   ~ Rhonda Holscher

2010 - present Rhonda Holscher

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