Merry Christmas, & Happy New Year!

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Juneteenth!

Happy 4th!

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Veterans & Thanksgiving Day!

Hello, my lovelies! 🌸

You guessed it! That’s me over there on the left or up above if you're on a tablet or phone, Rhonda Holscher, Christian, mom, sister, aunt, great aunt, friend, Nonna (grandma by proxy), and business owner. Still waiting for mine to get married and start their families. 🙂 I am a woman with much tenacity and great determination. I am very caring, loving, and compassionate. A suburbanite raised by hillbillies who loves the convenience of living in the suburbs, but misses the view of the countryside early in the morning and late in the evening when I sit out on the porch.

I live and work from my home which is really awesome! I have been truly blessed to be able to be with my children every day. They are grown now, but being there when either of them needed me for whatever was always a priority for me and still is. There’s not much to complain about.

I love my life! 💕

What’s not to love, right? I mean I have God, my salvation, my two gorgeous, courageous, and incredibly intelligent children who bring joy into my life every single day. My family, friends, and loved ones whom I hold dear to my heart. It’s not to say life hasn’t brought its hardships it most certainly has, but I have always been blessed through it all.

That's my family to the left and below, and I love 💕 them more life itself. I gave birth to Caleb and Grace. Liz and Adi are special to me Liz is like a daughter and Adi is like a granddaughter. Kara, Hayley, and Donovan are also very much part of the family. Kara is Grace's long-time bestie, Hayley is Caleb's love, and Donovan is Gracie's love. The other rugrats in the pics are frequent flyers in my home and are Gracie's closest friends. There are a few more rugrats I will be having pics of added to other posts. I just didn't have room for all of them in one post, but you will see them all soon enough. 🙂

I own my business, Rhonda’s Virtual Office, LLC, which is a virtual assistant business that offers not only administrative services, but also website design, graphic design desktop publishing, marketing, and more. There are many great things about owning my own business I love: being a single mom I am more available to my children than I would be if I were working for someone else, I have so much opportunity for true growth being my own boss that often at some point in other jobs is capped, and truly being able to serve others with all my heart in a way that is pleasing to God without sacrificing relationships with God, family, friends, or clients.

So … what’s the point of this blog? Well, I just wanted a place where I could just write about whatever struck my fancy. I do a lot of writing, but it’s all for work and while I love my work it doesn’t allow me the freedom to write about other topics liberally. You can expect to see anything and everything here. Pretty much anything goes within reason of course. I will not ever post anything that I consider to be vulgar, offensive, or gross. I am a Christian though so if you find God offensive well … then you will most likely be offended. I may write about a good book I’m reading, my child’s school play, something I read that provoked emotion in me, a recipe, etc. So, as I said pretty much anything goes. We’ll just have to see where this takes us. I hope some of you will join me, and please feel free to comment and make suggestions on content that you’d like me to write about.

💕Love & prayers, Rhonda

P.S. If you want to receive ‘My Musings’ in your inbox. Complete the form on the Contact page and let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the list. This is temporary until I am finished updating the site. I will add a form soon.

That’s simply if you want to receive blog updates from this site. There is no free offer attached as this is my personal blog. You won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t sign up, but if you want to it’s there and you are most certainly welcome to. The signup box is attached to my business account, but not attached to my other mailing lists. You will not receive any other mail except this blog if you sign up. It’s just easier for me to have it all in one account, but I have this blog on a completely separate list.

Note: All comments are moderated. My blog is not a democracy and I will not post anything I deem innappropriate, unfit, offensive, etc. It's my sole discretion and you may reach out to me here if you have any questions regarding your comments. If you don't see something you sent in posted and know it was not untoward in any way feel free to reach out as I may not have received it or if you failed to mention the blog post in the comments I may have posted in the wrong post so please make sure to mention the blog post you are commenting on in the comments. You never know technology sometimes fails.

❝You can choose to love or hate, show compassion or be heartless, be understanding or indifferent, be forthright and honest or dishonest and lie, be helpful or useless, be kind or mean, be proactive or reactive, speak wisely or foolishly or perhaps not at all, and be mindful or oblivious.

You get to choose every minute of every day how you treat others, how you treat yourself, respond to circumstances, and generally behave. At the end of the day how you chose will determine how you left others feeling, how you ended the day feeling yourself, and the person you are becoming. It's never to late to choose differently and start becoming your best self.❞   ~ Rhonda Holscher

2010 - present Rhonda Holscher

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