💕 My Family - My Why 💕

January 7 2014 by Rhonda Holscher

WHAT?!? Only One TV In The Whole House!

So my precious little angel has been having trouble sleeping lately, and once again came into snuggle with me and we chatted for a bit before she went off to sleep.

Ladybug: I want a play room to put all my toys in.

Mom: Why? So, you aren’t tempted to play with them when you’re trying to go sleep?

Ladybug: Yes.

Mom: I want a big family room so we can all hang out together in there instead of the living room. We’ll move the TV in there and then the living room …

Ladybug: What? Move the TV … no way! I want the TV in the living room so I can play with my toys in the living room while I watch TV

Mom: No, TV’s aren’t supposed to be in living rooms. Living rooms are suppose to be the clean formal room for your guests when they come to visit and the family room is for the family. Therefore, the TV goes in the family room.

Ladybug: I never heard of a TV not in a living room.

Mom: When I was growing up there was never a TV in the living room and there was only one TV in the whole house and one telephone.

Ladybug: What?!? Only one TV in the whole house?

Mom: Yes, and only one telephone. The TV was in the family room and telephone was in the kitchen.

Ladybug: So you had to like get up every time the phone rang to answer it.

Mom: Yes, and you’re Uncle Bobby and I were the remote control and sometimes the antenna to.

Ladybug: How boring!

Mom: That’s just the way it was. You’re pappy would say, “Sis, get up and turn that to channel 12.” or “Son, go fix that antenna. Now, don’t move or it will mess up.”

Ladybug: How boring! (again)

She is now snoring away and sleeping peacefully. Ever want a good way to put your kids to sleep just tell them a boring story about your childhood.

Anyway, just wanted to share a little lighthearted humor. This is pillow talk in my house!

By the way, I would love to hear from you. Share your bedtime snuggle stories with your kiddos below.




Rhonda Holscher, Christian Mom of 2, animal lover, your virtual business partner helping you create success in your business, Owner|CEO of Rhonda's Virtual Office, LLC discovering new passions in my business every day and loving it!

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❝You can choose to love or hate, show compassion or be heartless, be understanding or indifferent, be forthright and honest or dishonest and lie, be helpful or useless, be kind or mean, be proactive or reactive, speak wisely or foolishly or perhaps not at all, and be mindful or oblivious.

You get to choose every minute of every day how you treat others, how you treat yourself, respond to circumstances, and generally behave. At the end of the day how you chose will determine how you left others feeling, how you ended the day feeling yourself, and the person you are becoming. It's never to late to choose differently and start becoming your best self.❞   ~ Rhonda Holscher

2018 - present Rhonda Holscher

2018 - present Rhonda Holscher

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