⛄ Happy Holidays! 🎄

December 21, 2013 by Rhonda Holscher

⛄ The Days Before Christmas Are So Much Fun!

Oh my gosh! Close your eyes and don't look at that mess. Christmas boxes are everywhere and my living room looks like it's been hit by a tornado, but that's okay it's all in good fun. We are decorating the tree as you can see ... or should I say my daughter is decorating the tree. She loves to put the ornaments on and that has become her primary responsibility each year to put the ornaments on the tree, and I must say each year it looks even better from the last.

Then my son usually puts the angel up top, but this year he is a working man and wasn't home when we were decorating, so I did the angel this year.

We just had a great Christmas celebration at my daughter's school and they had loads of fun with tons of goodies to eat and gifts from and for the teachers.

My daughter's teacher brought in a Santa marionette which the kids loved, and Santa went around to each child and played with them. It was so much to watch them laugh and giggle with Santa. They made a really cool snowflake ornament that is now hanging on my tree, and then finished their fun filled day with a movie for all.

Officially today my daughter and I are on vacation. Unfortunately, since my baby boy is a working a man now he is not eligible for a vacation yet being a newbie at work. He even has to work Christmas Eve. I will be so sad, and it will be strange not having him with us this year. But they do have to grow up sooner or later. At least he will be with us Christmas Day.

I'm really looking forward to spending Christmas with my kiddos and loved ones. My boy usually reads the story of Baby Jesus to my daughter and I love it when they are sitting together like that snuggled up reading about our Lord and Saviour.

Anyway, signing off for now and I truly wish you all a wonderful, peaceful, joyful, funful ;)~ Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Please share about your holidays in the comments below.





Rhonda Holscher, Christian Mom of 2, animal lover, your virtual business partner helping you create success in your business, Owner|CEO of Rhonda's Virtual Office, LLC discovering new passions in my business every day and loving it!

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❝You can choose to love or hate, show compassion or be heartless, be understanding or indifferent, be forthright and honest or dishonest and lie, be helpful or useless, be kind or mean, be proactive or reactive, speak wisely or foolishly or perhaps not at all, and be mindful or oblivious.

You get to choose every minute of every day how you treat others, how you treat yourself, respond to circumstances, and generally behave. At the end of the day how you chose will determine how you left others feeling, how you ended the day feeling yourself, and the person you are becoming. It's never to late to choose differently and start becoming your best self.❞   ~ Rhonda Holscher

2018 - present Rhonda Holscher

2018 - present Rhonda Holscher

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